Sunday, January 2, 2011

My New Year's Goal....Blogging!!

Ok...So here goes nothing.  I tried to think of something fun to do for 2011 that would be memorable for my family.  I want so badly to hold onto these memories that we Martin's are making.  I know I will forget things that at one time were so new and "unforgettable" to me.  I am honored to be the mommy of two beautiful kids and the wife a wonderful husband....oh, and a dog, Molly!!  I just don't want to miss anything that they do.  My sweet kids are growing up so fast that I have got to start doing something so that I remember the sweet and FUNNY things that they say and do.  This blog is dedicated to those little people who call me mommy....

So...January 2nd is my first entry....hope it's not my last.  I'm actually suppose to be putting Caleb to bed right now...better get that done...or that will be memory and heading #1...The Night I Was Suppose to be Putting Caleb to Bed....oh, well...Good Night all....and Caleb, I love you to the moon and back....


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! It's a lot of fun--but hard to stay on top of! I hope you're better at it than I am! :) Here's the link to mine if you're interested...

  2. I see you have started! It's funny, you picked the same template I did at first and then I ended up changing it later! I will keep checking in on you...hopefully we will be back 2 church someday..;-)

  3. So fun, Chrissy!! I cannot wait to hear about all of your fun happenings. I am with Cherry, I hope that you do a better job of blogging. I don't think I have posted on mine since I got prego with Em, but perhaps when life slows down a bit I will join you in the blogging world again...
